Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The recent rape and brutality on a 5 year old girl in Delhi is extremely shocking to hear for any sensitive person.  Feel of her immense pain, her cry without properly shouting for help from someone, not having the energy to push them off and run, and the way she was thrown like garbage is spine- chilling.

The rapists left and locked the spot thinking her as dead. But the Almighty has sown life in her again and now she is recovering. May God give her all strength and energy to lead her life like other kids. May God erase this part of her memory from the rest of her life.

Most of us say that this is not the first time it had happened and not the last.When we say that our culture holds the dignity and respect of woman above all then the incidents like this let others mock on us with the comment that we Indians are the biggest hypocrites. What has gone wrong in our DNA and blood? What is that which has percolated in our society which made us so numb and insensible to even the pain and cry of a five year old baby?
This type of insensitive feeling does not come in a day, month or year. This indicates the failure of our family values, our education system, our ethics and culture. It’s the failure of vision where we are trying to lead our beloved country. Our society has gone weaker and people are behaving like loose cannons.

After the incident, so many discussions and debates had happened on almost all the news channels. Some says westernization is the root cause while others blame existing Indian culture. Some says the law and punishment is not strict enough to protect women from such atrocities, some said that our current government is very much insensitive towards normal people. Some blamed the mentality and attitude of the men while others blame the girls are only who invite such heinous act on them.

Some pointed out that the easy availability of porn materials including the child pornography is one of the biggest cause as in this case also it’s revealed that they watched the porn and then to release the sexual energy they very easily and conveniently lured a 5 year old baby. Almost everyone agrees that the current porn materials are not about love making and sexual education. It’s about atrocities, perverted and distorted display of love making. They show the use of unwanted and unimaginable materials in the women body and unfortunately this is getting followed in our society and even on the Children. This is alarming to all of us.

 Like other industries, the competition is growing here also, so don’t know what type and what different forms of sexual display and use of women body will be projected by porn industry to compete with others. Everyone agrees that sex education and sexual awareness is the need but not in the form of such porn materials which leads in exploitation of women’s and children body in such a brutal form.

Due to the latest revolt and demand of the people in Delhi, the government of India had passed a strong anti rape law. I wish this law should help in preventing such atrocities rapidly. At the same time our history tell us that the other evils which were prevalent in our Indian society were eradicated from our society not merely by law but by the involvement of the common people on root level. Each and every generation in their life time contribute in the abolishment of evils and uplift of the society towards the betterment. Today we are here and so it’s our time to contribute to the society to reduce and abolish the existence of such atrocities and to pass a clean and civilized society to our coming generations.

Now the question in front of us is how we as individual can contribute in creating an emotional and sensitive society which should not give birth to such cruel and insensible human beings and no child, girls or women should become victim of such ghastly atrocities.There can be so many ways which can be decided based on the fabric of society where we live. Some of the prominent and common solution which I can think of is as below:

We have to go for both immediate and long term solution. Under the immediate solution situational awareness is required against the already existing rogue, depraved, deplorable and perverted elements of our society.

All should encourage their sisters, daughters, friends to definitely carry some sort of defence weapons with them. It may be in the form of chilli spray, small knifes and they should have at least basic knowledge in judo and karate or any martial arts. Each and every family should teach their female family members to biting, scratching, hitting, screaming, yelling, fleeing, struggling or any other physical self defence techniques. All different resistance strategies in risky situations should be taught very well to our female members of the society.

These are the only short term strategies I can think of now to protect ourselves from the rowdy element of the society but at the same time it is our responsibility only to make our society free from such troubles permanently. When such incidents happen, it gives a very bad name to our country and makes our head down with shame. So we should also take steps to eradicate this completely from our own society.

One of the biggest drawbacks of our society is when a girl is harassed, then family members are not disclosing due to the feeling how society will treat and see them. We have to be supportive of such family and people. It is not their problem rather it is someone who is making them suffer. Those perverted people should get the message that society and family is not going to hide but defame and will not accept them in their society and home whoever will try to think of doing such heinous acts.

We all see the portrayal of women body in advertisement of products to lure the customers. Now a day’s almost none of the movies are complete without so called item songs. We all understand the double meaning of those songs and how the movement of cameras happens on the women body. Here I mean to say that all these are making our society sexually charged and impact is there mainly among the teenagers who in the process of releasing their energy lead in doing heinous activities may be due to sudden feelings or outbursts. We all have to think what we need to boycott from entering our society and what we need to accept.

 Some people say that it is our attitude and our mentality only that someone is utilising for commercial purpose.  They say, in silence we want the characters like Sunny Leone and that’s why someone gives her opportunity in India. We demand such things and hence someone comes to supply. We all have to think where we are leading and what will be end of this as the impact have already started to knock on our doors.

 We have to prove what and how we want to see the society. We don’t need to learn such type sexual education and love making techniques from the perverted porn stars. Our ancestors and forefathers have taught the whole world the pure way of love making in the form of KamaSutra and these industries can never stand in parallel to the knowledge our own ancestors have accumulated for us . They are more pure and pious than porn materials.

In the case of the rape of Delhi medical student, six persons were there but the alarming to us is none of them got any bit of pity feelings towards her. So through the educational institutions our society should encourage for the building of emotional feelings and bonds right from the childhood not only within the family but with the society also. Our education system is creating self centric individuals and money earning professional human machines only. We must have life-building, man-making, character making, sensible and emotional human beings from our education system.

I will end my typing here with the word that today the medical student who got raped in Delhi moving bus  or the five year old girl may not be personally related to me and you but there is no guarantee for tomorrow if we will not introspect ourselves and stop the percolation of impious stuffs in our society.


  1. The society can never come to the rescue of the others in trouble, if expect so then we are thinking of some dreamland..Yes, a good society is needed. But there should be tough laws in place..

  2. Well said Motish. These type of incidents puts down our country in a very bad state. We need to have strict laws in place and to protect those victims. Today most of these abuses happens where they are supposed to be protected like in child care homes. Our soceity needs to mature and we have a long way to go. Stringent laws and a change in people attitude is what is required and ofcourse the short term solutions what you have pointed out. Though we are talking of an impressive GDP growth for last few years we are still rock bottom in the Human Development Index (HDI).
