Friday, December 30, 2011


Hi All,

I am 2011 and now for me time has come to say you good bye.
On the eve of my arrival, you celebrated by sending sms, emails, greeting cards, wished your near and dear ones that I should bring all happiness and good luck for them. The moment I arrived on your doorstep, I saw you were singing, dancing and watching music and dance shows of your favorite celebrities on your Television Set. I saw you have written my name everywhere in colors and lights on the roads, buildings, clubs etc. It was “Welcome to 2011” or “Happy New Year 2011”.

I also saw some of you drinking, smoking, shouting and dancing in front of loud speakers and was cheering for me.

The next morning was very silent and slowly I entered in your life. I became part of your life. You mentioned me in almost every formal, legal or informal document. I was part of your past and future references.

Though I became part of your life, but I was trying to find the same enthusiasm and energy which I saw among you on the first day of my arrival. Many times I got disappointed seeing you always running with a sad and tensed face and always cursing your life and luck. From my first impression I understood that you all are very jolly, incredible and lively persons.

I saw you gathered with your friends and near and dear ones on some occasions. I came to know that such days are very rare in your life and you wait eagerly for those days to have relief from your normal repetitive routine. This led me to think whether my arrival was also an occasion or opportunity for your celebration or the intention was really to welcome me..?

I have spent 365 days with you and I saw almost everyone of you are doing the same activities everyday from the moment you leave your bed to the time you again go to your bed. I tried to understand and to some extent what I understood is that your life is centered on money. This is playing a very pivotal in your life and that is why you are repeating same boring activities every day. You stay up too late and get up too tired.

I also saw some pain and sorrow among you. Believe me I am not your culprit, I do not bring any happiness or sorrow. Yesterday was same as today and tomorrow will be same as today. It was only due to your own actions or deeds.

Now, I am going out from your life. As you know I am part of time. So, I do not stop or wait for anyone and never come again. Hence this was my first and last stay with you.

Based on my experience of 365 days with you, I can very well understand that you are again eagerly looking for my last day to have some break in your daily routine. Before leaving I also want you all to see in the same jolly and energetic mood which I saw when I met you for the first time. Finally I wish each of the 365 days of the New Year should bring more and more happiness for you all.

May the Almighty fulfill all your dreams and desires and make each day of 2012 a wonderful and memorable day.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Does Love Really Happens, The Way it is told !

LOVE is a four letter word, but discussions on it occupy significant time among us. But is love so easy to happen? Does it really carry its meaning whenever it is uttered?

We talk about Love among relations like mother-daughter-son, siblings etc. Here I want you to read further keeping in mind the love which is talked between couples, among the teens and among matured boys and girls.

I am not an expert in this subject and if any of the mentioned point hurts you, I am sorry for that but facts cannot be denied or cannot be always kept under blanket. Many times it becomes hard to digest the words like Love marriage; I am in love, love at 1st sight etc.

The questions which pulls for different thoughts:

  •       Why people fall in love only with good looking and beautiful girls. A highly talented, intelligent and qualified girl never becomes topic of discussion among the youth if she lacks good look. (Sania Mirza appears in Computer Wallpaper’s, Wall Calendars, posters etc but pics of  P.T Usha is rarely found).
  •  -    How can a person fall in love with someone at first sight? This can only be lust and attractions. Attractions towards look, personality etc.
  •            People say that trend of love marriage is on increase and arrange marriage is on decline. When this is looked closely, here the only difference is that in arranged marriage the partners are selected by parents and the final decision is left on their son or  daughter but in other case the individual only select their partners and parents is left with only decision to approve them. Before going further I want to take you in one of the scene of the movie 3 idiots (assuming everyone has watched this movie) where Aamir Khan tells karina kapoor “Your fiancé is a man of profit and loss. He did B.Tech and then MBA and now working in banking sector. If he were to work in Bank, then for what he did B.Tech. He does not love you; he wants to marry you because he sees profit in you in becoming his life partner”. Aamir proves by hiding the costly gifted watch and telling her fiancé that she lost the watch”. Likewise individuals select their partners based on their suitability, attitudes, look, personality, similarity in each other, likelihood of surviving with each other, likes, dislikes etc. But this is termed as love marriage though this is also arranged but in other way. Even when the partners are selected through matrimonial sites, then also it is named as love marriage. I do not understand what people want to show off by calling self arranged marriage as Love marriage.

If you deny the above facts, then again I would like to pose few questions:
  1. How many matured, highly educated boy will chose an illiterate lady as his life partner with so called love marriage..?
  2. How many urban girls with good salary will chose a village farmer boy as life partner and will go for love marriage…?
  3. Ask from a good looking girl the numbers of Love and marriage proposals she would have got starting from school, college to work life and compare this who lacks physical beauty. Once I dared to ask and the reply was that she does not remember the count. She does not even remember the faces.

There is a general attitude that people tries to cover up even the wrong acts with positive and good words. Once I was watching a debate on the News Channel on the topic “Living in Relationship”. The Person against the motion said that girls are courted and are treated as modern keep in such type of relationship and ultimately the girl becomes the sufferer. Immediately the persons who were in support pounced on him, saying the word ‘modern keep’ degrades the womanhood. The person against the motion asked what to say then. The reply was she should be said as Living partner or Love Bird.
Likewise people cover up their lust, attraction, attachment and likings with love.

 Now you may be thinking that I am against Love and as per me Love is a fabricated word and in reality it does not exist. If you are really thinking so then you are wrong.

Love is not an instant effect. It grows and grows with time with the components like loyalty, devotion, responsibility, human emotions, attitude, humbleness, modesty, and respect for each other, self respect and feelings for each other.

Once in my village, I saw an old couple where the husband was seriously ill and the talk among people was that he was near to death. His son was taking care of him and his old wife was sitting in front of him. She was silent and not uttering any word. The wife was not moving from her position though her son asked two to three times to have some food and take rest.  The old lady was not having the energy to cry and say anything. I am sure I was not mistaken to see a titanic love between them. The love, whose foundation stone, was laid probably some 50 years ago.  They would have shared good and bad moments together. I do not know actually what was going in her mind. May be she was praying to God silently and asking her God “Why are you separating us? Why do not you take my life first instead of him? Where will I go and what will be my life without him? She was silent but she was crying. She was not boasting and loudly saying “I Love you..I Love you” but the tremendous love between them was very much visible.

Can anyone compare this trustful, deep and devotional Love with the love at first sight or the casually spoken love marriage?

When marriage happens, partners are selected based on their likes, dislikes, family background, educational qualifications etc. Initially there is no love between them and they start to know each other. They live together, share the happiness and sorrows and the seed of love sprouts between them. With time it grows from sprout and keeps on growing with strong and deep root as its base.

It’s not only the time spent together which favours the growth of love. It also requires humanity, loyalty, commitment, dedication, emotion and humbleness. If the individuals are not emotional, then there is very rare chance for the Love to blossom. After marriage, the initial days are mainly occupied with lust and attractions but as its human behavior that individuals get fed up with anything they repeatedly use and see. If the lustful desire is not immediately replaced with friendship and commitment towards each other then the relationship will just be heavy burden throughout the remaining life.

       If there is no emotion or commitment, then if the beautiful body is deformed suddenly, the relationship would not be the same. So, humanity, inner attachment and sacred feeling for others are equally required for the love to grow towards infinity. In western countries it is seen that people fall in love, get married, stay together for some time and then again they will move for some other partners. In rare case the first marriage lasts forever. In India due to the family and social obligations, the relationships move even when the partners get discomfort with each other. Many times obligations give the chance and it avoids breaking up of the relationship on small issues or disagreements.

Yes, the love exists and it’s only the love which moves the world. But it should not be mistaken with the self arranged marriage, friendship with opposite sex, lust and attraction for good look and physical personality. When the seed of love sprouts, it branches into responsibility, loyalty, inner bond, sacrifice and many more. Again, Love is not an excitement. It does not boast and it’s not proud.  Love never fades nor wanes. It always remains young in heart.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Before, writing anything I would like to salute Anna Hazare and his all Team Members for sprouting the dormant energy, nationalism and a sense of belief among all of us. The belief that we can see a corruption free India if we all stand united.

 I am really thinking what to write and how to start. Already so many distinguished personalities have appreciated the spirit of Anna for bringing optimism to see a corruption free India. So many writers and authors have appreciated the way Anna has inculcated the lessons of Satyagrah among the youth of India.

I registered for India Against Corruption ( just one week before begin of Anna’s fast. Here in Bangalore, during Anna’s fast, with some of friends I made couple of visits in the Freedom Park. One of my friends got involved in traffic and crowd management there; we heard the speech of, Santosh Hedge, one of the core members of Anna’s Team. We distributed the pamphlet having the differences between the Jan Lokpal and Government Lokpal bill. We mingled with almost each group there and recited slogans with them. It was from all age group and from all different profession. All were having one relationship and i.e. all are Indians and gathered there to see a scam and corruption free India. 

It was decided that human chain will be formed in Bangalore. (From ITPL to Sarjapur –aross the IT corridor)We formed the human chain in front of the main gate of our company. We were reciting slogans, shaking and waiving hands with unknown Indians passing by. Santosh Hegde started to encourage the crowd from ITPL to Sarjapur in an open jeep. When he reached near to our organisation, the crowd gathered their got extreme energy and enthusiasm and the area got echoed with slogans of Corruption Down Down!.. Bharat Mata Ki Jay!.. Vande Matram!... We want Jan Lokpal!... etc. He waived hand on us and moved further.
 This was the only small physical contribution from my side on the call of Anna Hazare against corruption.

Finally, our parliamentarians felt the power of the people who came on the streets and agreed to consider Anna’s demands in forming the LokPal Bill.

There are some intellectuals and writers who keep cynical view on Anna and his movement. They have the same points of cynicism on which most of our parliamentarians are also trying to avoid the version of Jan Lokpall Bill which Anna and his team wants.

----They say Parliament is supreme and so only those who are there in the parliament are certified to discuss on the bill and have the right to pass or reject the bill.
-----Many say that it will set a wrong precedent and accepting any demands on the street is against our democratic set up. Some MPs and leaders argued that listening to Anna’s demands is against the constitution.
-----Then some section of intellectuals opined that this is not the way to eradicate corruption. We all are corrupt and corruption should stop at its root.

Yes, I agree that our parliament and constitution are supreme. The Parliament is the prime temple of our democracy. This is a sacred place but no one will deny the fact that the sacredness of parliament is being raped by the character of most of the MPs present there. I know here some intellectuals will say that if I raise the question on the character and integrity of any MP, then I am insulting the people of his constituency. (heard this logic from some of MPs and intellectuals while they debated on Anna’s movement on news channel). To answer this question I only want to say that in this article I do not want to talk who wins the election, how they win, how much is spent by each representative in their constituency and what is the final purpose of their investment and how much percentage of people vote in India.          

I know the next question will be why honest people do not contest elections. The answer is fear from torture, insult and may be death. No one knows whether they will be shot in the front or back if they contest election against any criminal politicians. Good numbers of RTI activists have been murdered whenever they tried to expose the corruption and corrupt.  We can see what happened to Baba Ramdev, his aid Balkrishna, Anna Hazare, Prashant and Shanti Bhushan and the latest is Arvind Kejriwal and Kumar Bishwas. They are also not ready to leave OM Puri and Kiran Bedi for the remarks or gestures they made against the politicians. This is a clear cut indication that government is spreading fear among those who will try to go against any criminal, politicians or MPs. The Individuals mentioned in the above example are known personalities across India and they have more a social than an individual life. The government can’t touch them directly but if a person is of low profile and very little known dares to take action against any criminal or politician, no one knows how and where he will be disappeared. Sometimes I assume that there must be some saintly power behind Anna which made him survive, as he is fighting with hardcore criminals, politicians, street goons, alcohol and drugs mafias and so on from last 25-30 years.

I would like to tell my dear cynical writers or intellectuals that you are right theoretically and on book but the story is different on the ground. Our most intelligent political strategist of all the time, Acharya Vishnugupta (also Known as Chanakya or Kautilya) who moved the reign of Alexander and his forces out of India and united the nation which was split in to so many kingdoms, all were obsessed with their selfishness and false pride. In the process of throwing out the selfish kings, Chanakya was discussing an unusual plan with a dismissed Senapti (Boss of soldiers). The soldier argues with Chanakya that if the way followed is wrong, it can impact the destination. Chankya replied to him “The way for good intention can be wrong for the time being. Whatever is wrong today, can be seen as a correct step if today is seen as history considering tomorrow as future.” The point is “What is wrong or right is time dependent. The step which looks doubtful today can have different view when tomorrow will look in to today as history.

I doubt that such intellectuals would have surely raised the question mark on Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Vallabh Patel, Lal Bahadur Shastri etc if they would have been asked to give their opinion. I would again like to say that you are correct in your point of view. But another point is that the hold and influence of criminals, goons and insensitive politicians is so big that the voice of honesty is immediately lost.  I would like to know the intellectuals view on the Kakori Cospiracy, throwing of bomb by Bhagat Singh and his friends in the assembly, Civil disobedience movement by Gandhi, Quit India Movement, the way of revenge for the murder of Lala Lajpat Roy, formation of INA by Subhash Chandra Bose, the way Saradar Vallabh Patel combined about 600 small kingdoms in to India.  
Some of the intellectuals have also pointed out that we should hit on the root cause i.e. we should not accept and give bribe. With respect I completely agree on these words. I have already written in my previous article with the subject “Who is corrupt me or You..? Here the conclusion is either I am corrupt or you are corrupt which in turn makes India a corrupt Nation.

Here I would like to quote one sentence from Chanakya’s Niti “A kingdom or country cannot flourish well, if there is no provision of strict punishment for wrong doers, if there is not any sense of fear among the individuals before doing anything wrong”.

 There will be many who listens and talks about morality and honesty but the same is not reflected in their deeds. With time, power and chance, greed and intense personal selfishness can also overtake in human’s life. Such traits of human character cannot be ignored and hence there should be provision of punishment to bring fear for wrong act to be done out of evil desires. Talking about today, the influence of greed and individualism is very huge, the person who makes laws does not think for a second in bending the law. The politicians, hardcore criminals, person with power and political influence do not have fear of the law of land and do not think even for a second also in taking law in to their hand. They do not have any fear if they want to kidnap, murder or to threat someone. We can see when policemen go to arrest a person from economically poor background; they will enter in his house without permission and will drag him out and push them in their jeep. But when the same policemen go to arrest a rich person, he will go with arrest warrant and with respect he will be put on the vehicle. There are about thousand of laws in India but still all Indians are not equal before law. Many in this revolution were shouting that we need change in the system not in the government. A system where everyone should be treated equal.

Vishnugupta was the greatest diplomat, a great laureate of economics and a great social planner. He was born in India and united the nation politically and economically. He made India free from selfish rulers and made Chandragupta as only one king of India. Some even say that the American defence system follow the Chanakya’s strategy in the organization of their army. They also learn the war technique given by Chanakya. But today the birth place and land of Chanakya is devoid of good system where there will be uniformity of laws for all.

Now I want to conclude with the hope that pessimistic intellectuals should get a sense of ground realities of India.  This is not the time to point out the fingers and unnecessarily creating controversies and in delaying what India need to be a happy and prosperous country. We all should stand and provide our contributions in whatever form we can to see a happy, developed, shining and corruption free India.

JAI HIND                                                                                                            JAI BHARAT                                 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

RAMLILA MAIDAN: Witness of Shameful act against Black Money

It was just about 3’o’ clock in the morning of 5th June, 2011; I was about to shut down my laptop and go to bed. As I started closing each of the open windows on my system, I noticed that the page of Times of India was flashing the news on the top as “Police in huge numbers entered Ramlila Maidan to evacuate the Ramdev’s followers from the ground.” I shut down the system and right away opened the TV set. Each news channel was doing the live coverage of how the policemen were removing our fellow countrymen who went there in the optimism that their huge presence will force government to bring some of the black money to India. I saw the people struggled a lot to prevent the police to catch Baba, when police were coming near to them they gathered their energy reciting Vande Matram and Bharat Mata Ki Jai.

I saw their eyes were indicative of being woken up suddenly in the middle of sleep. When policemen tried to touch women, some of them pushed them back and some pointed fingers to the police and shouted “Don’t touch us (hath mat lagao). But when men replied in the same way, they got the blows of sticks (lathi). People were moving here and there shivering and sweating terrifically, some sat silent without talking to police. When some followers became aggressive, Baba tried to control them. Baba was asking the followers to sit quietly wherever they are standing. He was asking them not to rush. People were drinking water in sip and passing the bottles to their unknown countrymen. After some time Baba was arrested and followers started to move out from the ground. Some ladies and gentleman who remained adamant not to move out from the ground were forcefully moved out.

After watching all this I went to sleep around 6’o’ clock in the morning, but on the bed also same pictures were coming in front of me.  I thought what if I were also one among them; sleeping in the midnight after fasting for the whole day and someone comes and awakes me rudely in midnight with stick and foot, I would have surely retaliated with whatever I would have got in my hand. How the Police Commissioner took this foolish decision? How he thought that everyone present in the crowd will behave in a Ghandian manner? How he assumed that none from the crowd will retaliate and no one will do any sort of mischief? There were chances of big stampede. May be the Commissioner was acting on the orders from the government i.e. the order to evacuate the ground fully before the sunrise at any cost.

Almost all Indians are ashamed and fed up with the widespread corruption in our country. All know that behind every corruption and corrupt people, there is direct or indirect back up from mighty people of our system. No one dares to fight against the powerful corrupt system, we all whisper with each other only. But Baba Ramdev and Anna Hazare turned this whisper in to a loud voice and dared to fight against the powerful corrupt system and people. Sensing the impact and finding people on the streets against the anti graft crusade, the mighty government decided to crush the movement and to stop more people to have their physical presence against the corruption and black money. Our government found that Ramdev has taken the permission to hold Yoga Camp only and not to gather people on one platform against the anti corruption movement. Using this loop hole in the process, they crushed the movement ruthlessly and sent a sense of fear among those who are thinking to raise their voice against Corruption and Black Money.

On the same day, I woke up around 10’o’clock and found that all the news channels have made this as their first breaking news (Out of every news as breaking news). For couple of days this was the hottest topic of discussion on the all the news channels. But the strange thing is that immediately media and people started to point out the mistakes in the Ramdev’s agitation. The followings are the main points which were discussed on the news channels against the Baba’s movements:

1.  Baba fled away wearing woman dress and leaving his followers to face the police atrocities.
2.The wealth built by Baba Ramdev in short span of time.
3.The stage shared by some leaders who are supposed to involve in communal activities in some period of time 
           4A Guru should be confined to his own area of interest i.e. Sanyas  and teachings.
      5Wearing saffron colour and sitting on Dharna.

We indeed have the attitude to find out only the mistakes and drawbacks as a first thing instead of appreciating the efforts taken and sacrifices done. When a person earns name and fame, then we try to pull out by finding some of his mistakes and misdeeds done either intentionally or happened by mistake. There is a common example, we all would have heard that when a white cloth is pasted on a wall with a small black dot in the centre, then people will mainly discuss about the black spot, forgetting that the area under black colour is far smaller than the area under white colour. The individual making such comments forget or does not know that Baba Ramdev travelled all over India for more than 1 year to make people aware about corruption and black money.

I am not a big fan or devotee of Baba Ramdev but I really like the way he brought up the Indian Yoga and ancient Ayurvedic treatment to the forefront of the world. He dreamt to make people rid of all the disease without spending huge money in hospitals. Hospitals and doctors can be visited only on fractures and accidents. He dreams India should rely more on indigenous (Swadeshi) techniques. He proved that aerated soft drinks are similar to toilet cleaner like Harpic. He encourages all to go for fruit juices, milk, curd etc instead of the cold drinks like Pepsi and Coke.  He tells that one day people will move towards Indian values.
Coming to his criticism which people make against him are:

           1Baba ran away disguised in woman’s dress: The common approach to squash any revolution is to crush the main leader associated with it. U.S.A spent in billions to kill Osama Bin Laden, Sri Lanka claimed its win on LTTE only when they found the body of the leader Prabhakran. The death of Jay Prakash Narayan, and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose brought a sudden end to the revolution associated with them. Hence, the strategy to save the spirit of revolution is to save the leader from the oppressor at any cost. This is supreme expectations from followers to make their leader safe at any cost without bothering for their own life first. Hence, any form of disguise is fully acceptable to save the leader from atrocities.   

      2.The wealth built by Ramdev in small span of time: No one will deny the fact that Baba became famous in a very small span of time as so many people got the benefits from his Yoga and Ayurvedic treatment. Baba started to manage the spread of Yoga and Ayurvedic products all over the world without any advertisement cost. The ease and quickness with which he reached to the people led to the quick emergence of his yogic and Ayurvedic Empire. This does not seem strange at all, there are instances where numerous MNC companies entered in India and built huge wealth in a very small width of time. Depending on how fast, they reached to the large consumer base of India, they built their wealth quickly. Today the government has ordered CBI to inquire the criminal records, Income Tax department to find out missing tax and other departments for other purposes in the Baba’s empire. Definitely they will get some loop holes to knock down this man from the heart of his followers. Even if the government goes against India’s big companies like Reliance, Infosys, Wipro; they can surely get the loopholes their also to prosecute them, if the intention is to find out the loop holes.
            3.Baba Ramdev’s crusade against corruption is political and communal:  Many journalist and news channels pointed the presence of Sadhavi Pitambhra as a communal face in this crusade as she is supposed to be involved in Babri Masjid Demolition case. Some even suggested that Baba should have come in white dress instead of Saffron one.  Sometimes I do not understand why all the group like RSS, ABVP, Vivekananda Trust, Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal, VHP etc which have Hindu ideology and culture are always attacked as communal organization by our government. If Hindus and organizations with Hindu ideology are really having communal motive, then India would not have been a secular country for so long since independence. India is a secular country and it’s not because of Indian law and constitution but because Hindus are in majority here. Anyway, here I want to say that what if I am a criminal or murderer. I may have my own personal motive behind my personal involvement towards any unwanted incident.
Does all this make me out of the involvement in any process which is for the betterment of India? Does this snatch my right or duty to make India free of corruption?

 4.  A Guru should be restricted to his Sanyas or teaching only: We all are taught that for us the prestige of country stands first and then our religion or any personal duties or desires. If our country is in shambles, none of our job is better or bigger than working for the nation. Those who say that only the politicians have the duty to think about the betterment of nation and rest of the Indians should make themselves confined in their work should go back in to the history of India and find out who made India free of the Britishers. I remember the dialogue of Sunny Deol from a Hindi Movie Indian in which he loudly says that I am an Indian first, when his colleagues remind him that he is on his duty and taking such action is against his uniform or duty.

There were Sathi Pratha, Prada System , Child Marriage, Untouchablity etc as major threats of the society like corruption in modern India. These evils also retarded the growth of the some section of the society as the corruption does today. Reformers like Swami Vivekananda, Swami Dayananda, Rajaram Mohan Roy, Vidyasagar and many others came forward and they travelled deep down the villages and almost eradicated the evils from the society. Though there were government laws, no one can forget the contributions of those swamis and reformers which proved more fruitful than the legal action of the government.
There is no point in saying that Baba should remain limited to his particular job only and just to see the degradation of the country as a mere spectator even though he can do something at his level. If the country is under threat, the first and foremost duty of every Indian is to save the country from threat and then only the individual want comes.

Whatever I said above may not be ample and digestible for some of the readers. I know you would have concluded that I am biased and have leaning towards Baba Ramdev. I would like to agree that I really like this sanyasi from other sanyasis or spiritual gurus who merely talks on their subjects only and avoid commenting on controversial topics. Baba gives clear opinion on whatever he believes right or wrong instead of just giving a diplomatic answer and avoiding the controversial topic.

Even if someone is against Baba Ramdev, thinking some of his actions are questionable and he is not the fit person to lead India against such a movement, then one should know that he is not asking for the support of his personal motive. This fight is against the corruption and Black Money. A fight in which all will be benefitted if won. A fight in which India and Indians will gain if won. Better not to divert the issue by unnecessary calling it a political and communal. This is the time someone dared to fight against the mighty corruption and corrupt people. We all need to support and the support should not be only in the form of sending sms, giving miscalls, clicking the like button on facebook, simply registering on the particular website to show our support. Sitting in the home and doing these activities will hardly make an impact. Our physical presence is required. We need to show up on the streets, the way people have shown their presence on the fast of Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev.

There is a proverb that evil will not go easily, they will fight back. We should not lose our patience and think that our countrymen who are in power have crushed our movement and we are no more in position to fight with the powerful corrupt people of the government. May be we are only one step behind the success. Aim should not be lost; we need to fight with more vigor and strength.

We all have to fight this war. This is the same issue which we have discussed in our school and college days and felt ashamed for our country. This is the same issue on which we have got several sms and chain mails with the conclusion that India is low and inferior in comparison to other countries. This is the same issue on which several cartoonists have drawn their cartoons and several students would have written the essays. Several IAS Aspirants would have given their opinion and would have written in long.
This is the same issue which has been highlighted in almost 30% of our Bollywood movies.

Let’s not stop. Let’s not discuss who is right Annaji or Ramdevji. Let’s not think of their integrity and history. Let’s provide them energy by our support, mostly physical. As they are demanding strict action against the corrupt and culprits, so they will also fall on the same axe if they are also the culprit and their intention is different than what they are saying.

Friday, June 10, 2011


In this external world, which is full of finite things, it is impossible to see and find the Infinite. The Infinite must be sought in that alone which is infinite, and the only thing infinite about us is that which is within us, our own soul. Neither the body, nor the mind, nor even our thoughts, nor the world we see around us, is infinite.
-          Swami Vivekananda
When I was in class II, my school teacher taught me that Sun rises in the east; it revolves around the earth and sets in the west. She taught with proper diagram on the board. But in the evening my tuition teacher tells me that it’s the earth which revolves around the sun and not the sun around the earth. I had more faith in my school teacher and hence assumed my tuition teacher does not have actual knowledge. Also he was very strict with a very stern face. Taking this as an opportunity, I complained to my father that he is teaching me wrong and asked him to change the tuition teacher. He smiled but then I did not understand his smile.
Later when I was in class VI, the science teacher taught us about the nine planets and how they revolve around the sun and contributes to weather change. My memory flashed back to my tuition teacher and my father’s smile. This time I smiled.

This is just an example where it happens that the fact which is not true to me today can be acceptable tomorrow.

Let me tell you now that the intention of this piece of article is to analyze why the spirituality is mainly looked as irrational belief in this era of Information Technology and will there be any tomorrow with rational belief on spirituality.

Wait! Wait… I want to make clear here only that I am not an expert on the subject but there are valid facts and figures which brings a different set of thoughts.

The “Universe”. No one has defined and no one claimed to know it completely. The size of the Universe is beyond measurement. The age is beyond calculation. Generations to generations have done their research in to the vast expanse of the Universe and the journey is still on. As per the discoveries the Universe consists of Stars, Planets, asteroids etc. The Earth is like a sand particle of this Universe. We can well imagine what fraction of the Universe we are.

Who created the Universe? Why it was created? What is the power which holds the Universe? What is the significance of the human beings and other living creatures in the Universe? Who governs the laws of the Universe? If there is some power then who is holding this cosmic power and who keeps the control of the whole Universe in his hand? What is there in the human body which differentiates the dead and alive? What goes out of living body whose absence makes it a cold dead body? What is soul ? Where is soul and who has seen it? Is there any reality on incarnation and rebirth?

As humans progressed, they started to question the nature and its method of working. We came up with Bing bang Postulates, laws of gravitation and buoyancy and so on. Today, we believe that we can explain all the natural behaviors with the help of the scientific theories we have.

Now, if someone’s activities violate the law of science, then it become miraculous to us.  When a man walks on the water of the pond or river, then this is something which cannot be accepted scientifically or logically because as per the law of buoyancy, an object floats on water if the weight of the object is equal to the weight of the water displaced. But here the law of the buoyancy is violated and hence it becomes indigestible for the scientific section of the people.

 Miracles are not new in India. The history of India is full of miracles. Walking on the water,  walking on the coal fire without getting burn, telling the past of an individual without asking even a single question, doing mediation under the ground for long days without any source of air and water, producing something from nothing etc. The history of India has been described as the land of religion and philosophy, the birth place of spiritual giants and the land of renunciation. When Swami Vivekananda was asked on Indian Miracles by an American Journalist then he replied “"We do not believe in miracles at all but that apparently strange things may be accomplished under the operation of natural laws. There is a vast amount of literature in India on these subjects, and the people there have made a study of these things.”

If we talk about spirituality, many of us relate spiritual practices with superstitions and make it as a topic of fun. Spirituality says that its core aim is to make us realize who we are…? To make us realize the absolute power and to make our soul free from the materialistic world for the attachment to the real cosmic power of the Universe. The spirituality is above all religions, sect and caste. In fact one of the main intentions of religion is to show the path to attain spirituality.

 We all know about Satya Sai Baba who had millions of followers all over the world and very countable number of critics. Most of the people became his followers mainly by his miraculous and godly blessings. Some got direct impact of his blessings; many saw the miracles from their naked eye. For many, Baba understood their problem without asking them.
All these made people believe that this person is different from many of us. This person possesses some extra miraculous power. The people found godly qualities in him.  This attracted people to come near to Baba. But many, who believe only in the laws of nature put by scientific theory, they are in dilemma to comment anything. They are not ready to accept all these. But at the same time they wonder how a person who was born in a very remote village, did not go to any convent school or abroad universities for any degree, without having any magician as guru possess superhuman power and also manages the big trust worth many crores. How everything is so organized without any hue and cry and management issues. That too he acquired his miraculous power at the age of eight only.

The outcome and theories of the science are bounded and limited to the horizon of our five senses i.e. eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin. The spiritual experience is beyond these five senses and cannot be proved by scientific laws. Like the scientific observations, spiritual experience is not constant from individual to individual. The spirituality introduces an individual to himself and his soul. This extends far beyond the physical world of matters. This is above the state of affairs of gender, race, religion, and family and job status of the life. The spirituality connects us with profoundly powerful and divine forces.

Our scientific discoveries merely rely on the materialistic approach and materialistic evidence provided by the five senses which can literally be seen, heard, tasted, touched and smelled. As said above, India is also known as land of renunciation. There were and there are a lot of spiritual gurus in India who acquired all the knowledge and were fully aware of the happenings in the world. They did not go to any place, no college, and no lab experiment. But just sitting in a corner and silent place, they observed the world. To make the people aware of the spirituality, they also came in to the materialistic world and told the people about the knowledge accumulated in the Vedas, Purans, Geeta etc.

 Yes, it’s true that many idiots have taken undue advantage of the spiritual faith and tried to make money only. In the recent we heard so many saints and sadhu’s scams which tarnish our belief in spirituality and spiritual gurus. Again this is something which is not new. Even in the times of Swami Dayananad and Swami Vivekanand, the fake gurus were large in number but they found their spiritual gurus and got the answer of their life changing questions. The spiritual persons are mostly lost in their own world. The experiences are shared with interested persons only. The people whose world revolves around the materialistic world generally are against the spirituality. Most public are under the impression that supporting spirituality means boosting irrational practices. Recently when Sachin Tendulkar and some other big wigs went to Puttapartti to pay their tribute to their guru, then many commented against them and said they should not set such examples.

When the Tsunami waves hit the countries situated around the Bay of Bengal there were huge number of causalities and deaths on the sea shore area. But the tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Island knew it in advance and moved to forest or higher places before the Tsunami hit and there were no causalities even though the epicenter of the quake was near to their homeland.
They did not get any information from any meteorological department. They live with nature and understand the word of nature. Nature speaks but everyone does not have the ear to listen and understand. They understand the omen and know the nature’s action well in advance.

 The Robin Sharma’s famous book “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” very well illustrates how a lawyer who has acquired all the materialistic assets and was very successful in the eyes of all and was a source of inspirations for many who were either in the same profession as him or others.  But personally, he found himself very near to death. He got heart attack and collapsed in the court-room, sweating and shivering. He looked more than his age. His hair and beard became grey before the suitable age. He feels all his assets are of no value as he is not able to use and enjoy them. One day the lawyer sold all his properties including his Ferrari and left for India. He discovered the powerful, wise and spiritual lessons from the sages living in the Himalayas. When he returned back to his country, he was a completely different man. He looked divine, wise and young. Hi explains to his friend lawyer about the sages of Himalayas who know all secrets of how to live life happily, how to fulfill one’s dream and reach one’s destiny, how one should cultivate self- discipline and act courageously and how to follow our Life’s mission and calling and how to live fully one day at a time.

From the above information, so many conclusions can be drawn which depends on the understanding and the world in which the person is involved and grown up.Also, the experience one encounters in life.

The spirituality and Science are not against each other. This is how we perceive the world, the materialistic world with our five senses or the infinite Universe with infinite soul. The Spirituality is a feeling while science is an observation. Spirituality is a private affair and a subjective one as compared to the objective domain of observable behavior and material objects that we can point to and measure directly. Science gives measurement but there is no standard to measure the extent of spiritual observation.   Science observes and then defines and put theories but spiritual experience is not easy to define and talk.

Many perplex questions come to us like which path to follow and move forward …? Are we here only to feed ours stomach …? Are we here only to run behind the success as defined and visualized on the earth…?  Is the path towards the God leads through human services i.e. by providing helping hands towards the poor and downtrodden…? Is it fair to leave the family and society and go for renunciation towards Himalaya…? Which is the prime and most important path to follow among spirituality, service towards humanity or the responsibility towards job, family and society…?

Life is ours and hence decision is ours where we feel more satisfied and happy and gets the sense of fulfillment in life. In this small span of mortal life, we have to decide how to balance and lead a meaning life otherwise so many come like insects and worms in this vast ocean and so many die every day.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


“Mothers all want their sons to grow up to be president, but they do not want them to become politician in the process”    - John F Kennedy

Respected Anna Jee,

This is one among the 121 Crores Indians who is also ashamed of the rampant corruption in our beloved nation. I am around one-third of your age but I do not feel shame to say that you are younger than me and from many of us. The courage and succor which you have shown against the corrupt and powerful politicians cannot be appreciated in words.  Yet, no individual of our age gathered that much courage.

About 40% of our populations are under the age of 15-40 but still the corruption is on rampant. The people involved in big corruption will be around 2-3% and most of them will be surely above the age of 50.

Frankly speaking, I did not know about you till your name came out in the media for the crusade against corruption. I did some google on you and heard some of your speeches.
Sir, what I want to say here is that there is huge difference in the youth of this generation from the time when you were of our age.

After the economic liberalization of India in 1991, the employment opportunities in India has increased manifold but after becoming economically self dependant, the social responsibility has gone drastically. You will find that only economically poor and middle class come out to cast their vote.

The students of today study very hard to get entry in medical and engineering college. The intention is not to become good doctor or engineer but to get placed where they can get maximum money in hand.  We have top class management college as IIM, XLRI etc, there students are not discussing to become efficient manager or leader of India but about the placements in abroad or in MNC with big pay scale.  Only countable numbers of IIT or IIM students are known to all India like Chetan Bhagat, Satyendar Dubey, Arvind Kejriwal, N R Murthy, Nandan Nilekani etc. No one knows where others are hiding with their immense talent and potential.

The so called intellectual person of India does not bother much about the politics and the corruption of India. They get all their work done simply by paying the money here and there. Their life revolves around office, friends, movies, weekend outings, discs, pub, malls, parties, share-market, business opportunities, saving tax etc. They never think or dare to clean the system. These are the people who have the potential to bring the change but they do not want to risk their life. They move only on the safe path.

The alcohol has occupied a very very important position in the life of today’s youth.  No celebration is complete without alcohol. This is the minimum and must require in every celebration of the youth. Report says that 80% of the hostel students consume alcohol. Even the ladies are not left behind. The alcohol consumption is growing at an alarming rate among Indian females.

In your time, the husband and wife relationship used to be very sacred and among the many, physical relationship is one which separates the husband and wife relationship from others. Come and see in the metropolitan cities of yours, the marriage has lost its meaning and significance and there is nothing as unique or different which exists only in the husband- wife relationship. The living in relationship is an upcoming trend in India in which an adult male and female can live together without marriage. Now the college students prefer to stay with female partner instead of male partner. The partner is changed when they enter their job life and again changed when they are moving from one city to another. All this happens in the name of the big word called LOVE. The line between the big and small cities is not so thick. This is very thin and very soon this will be blurred.

Coming back to the point, why very few people who are more than age of 50 are corrupt and do that in front of huge youth crowd. This is because there is no the same sentiment in today’s youth which you still carry even after so many years of your contribution in Indo-Pak war. You have seen all the Indo-Pak war and Indo – China war after India’s Independence. You know the meaning of the Nation and motherland better than us. The feeling which you have for the mother India is surely missing in today’s youth brigade. Your blood would have boiled so many times against the enemies of our beloved India. Today, almost all the youth, particularly from the big cities, want to avoid taking risk in politics. There is no hope from the politics and politicians of India. The word Politics itself has become a very dirty word. The political power of India is confined to very rare number of people and their families but they make impact on remaining Indians. As said above, the intelluctals of India are economically self dependant and does not bother about social issues. The person who has the potential has their own set of worlds around them and they do not go beyond that. Mainly the middle and poor class are impacted by the corruption. They have the energy but they lack the directions, knowledge and proper leadership. In extreme, they become the member of Naxalisms. Forget about the blood to boil, this is not warm even. This is very much frozen.

You have to inculcate your burning spirits among us. We have got our faith in you. As of now, I have brief understanding of the Lokpall Bill in which you are asking to include members other than the government body to implicate the people in power. Sir, we also need to cleanse the politics of India. The power lies in the hand of very few people and their families. The political system is so inaccessible that either the same person or their family members get elected every time. The person with huge wealth only can think of contesting election. Their first motto is to get more in return than spent while contesting election. It is very hard for an honest and common man to contest an election. Though ours is a democratic country but in reality this democracy is a game played by only few in a circle and the rest watches the circle from far as a mere mute spectator.  We have to tear the grave darkness of politics. We want our frozen blood to boil. In all these, we want you as our leader.

May God bestow you to see the prosperous, corruption free and developed India.


Friday, March 4, 2011


Ø  “Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached”

Ø           “Stand and die in your own strength; if there is any sin in the world, it is weakness; avoid all weakness, for weakness is sin, weakness is death”

Ø  “Help if you can; if you cannot, fold your hands and stand by and see things go on. Do not injure, if you cannot render help”

Ø  “Your country requires heroes; be heroes; your duty is to go on working, and then everything will follow of itself”

Ø  Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny. All the strength and succor you want is within you. Therefore, make your own future.

Ø  Mountain high though the difficulties appear, terrible and gloomy though all things seem, they are but Maya. Fear not and it is banished. Crush it and it vanishes. Stump upon it and it dies. Be not afraid. Think not how many times you fail. Never mind. Go forward, assert your Self again and again and light must come.

Ø  People will call us both good and bad. But we shall have to work like lions keeping the ideal before us.

Ø  Be strong! … You talk of ghosts and devils. We are the living devils. The sign of life is strength and growth. The sign of death is weakness. Whatever is weak, avoid! It is death. If it is strength, go down into hell and get hold of it! There is salvation only for the brave. "None but the brave deserves the fair." None but the bravest deserves salvation.

Ø  Each work has to pass through these stages—ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood. 

Ø  Your Atman is the support of the universe—whose support do you stand in need of? Wait with patience and love and strength. If helpers are not ready now, they will come in time. Why should we be in a hurry? The real working force of all great work is in its almost unperceived beginnings. 

Ø If you want to have life, you have to die every moment for it. Life and death are only different expressions of the same thing looked at from different standpoints; they are the falling and the rising of the same wave, and the two form one whole. 

Ø  All power is within you, you can do, anything and everything. Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak. You can do anything and everything, without even the guidance of any one. Stand up and express the divinity within you…, within each of you there is the power to remove all wants and all miseries.

Ø  To succeed you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will. “I will drink the ocean,” says the persevering soul, “at my will mountains will crumble.” Have that sort of energy, that sort of will, work hard, and you will reach the goal.

Ø  Think always, “I am ever-pure, ever-knowing, and ever-free. How I can do anything evil? Can I ever be fooled like ordinary people with the insignificant charms of lust and wealth?” Strengthen the mind with such thoughts. This will surely bring real good.

Ø  So long as millions live in hunger and ignorance, I hold every person a 
traitor who, having been educated at their expense, pays not the least
 heed to them.

Ø  In this external world, which is full of finite things, it is impossible to see
 and find the Infinite. The Infinite must be sought in that alone which is infinite, 
and the only thing infinite about us is that which is within us, our own soul. 
Neither the body, nor the mind, nor even our thoughts, nor the world we see
 around us, is infinite.

Ø  We are children of almighty, we are the sparks of the infinite, divine fire. How can we be nothings….? We are everything; we can do everything and we must do everything.

Ø  The greater a man has become, the fiercer the ordeal he has had to pass through.

Ø  Be unselfish and never listen to one friend in private accusing others.

Ø  What makes you weep my friend….? In you is all power, summon up your all powerful nature. O Mighty one, and this whole universe will lie at your feet. It is the self alone that predominates and not matter.

Ø  “If you think about disaster, you will get it. Brood about death and you hasten your demise. Think positively and masterfully, with confidence and faith, and life becomes more secure, more fraught with action, richer in achievement and experience.”

Ø     Say ‘this misery that I am suffering is of my own doing and that very thing proves that it will have to be undone by me alone”. That which I created, I can demolish. Therefore stand up, be bold, and be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your shoulders and know that you are the creator of your own destiny. All the strength and succor is within you.

      Let the people praise you or blame you … Let fortune smile or frown upon you…. Let your body fall today or after a yuga, see that you do not deviate from your path of truth.


      What is the use of fighting and complaining …? That will not help us to better things. He who grumbles at little things that has fallen to his lot to do will grumble at everything. Always grumbling, he will lead a miserable life, and everything will be a failure. But that man, who does his duty as he goes, putting his shoulder to the wheel, will see the light, and higher and higher duties will fall to his share.

      Stand up and fight. Not one step back that is the idea. Fight it out, whatever comes. Let the stars move from the spheres. Let the whole world stand against us. Death means only a change of garment. What is it..? Thus fight. You gain nothing by becoming cowards. Taking a step backward, you do not avoid any misfortune. You have cried to all gods in the world. Has misery ceased…? The god comes to help you when you have succeeded. So what is the use? Die game. You are infinite spirit, it does not benefit you to be a slave. Arise!  Awake!  Stand up and fight.

      Even if you have knowledge, do not disturb the childlike faith of the ignorant. On the other hand go down to their level and gradually bring them up. This is a very powerful idea. That is why you can see great philosophers going into a temple and worshipping images. It is not hypocrisy.

            If we do not have all that we desire, let us make the best use of what we have. The greatest artist is those who have creative genius within themselves and with little material produce the best. It is not the material which makes the artist; it is the artist who shapes the material. If we bear this in mind we shall cease to complain or find fault either with ourselves or with others.
      There is hardly a soul who does not blame someone else for his misfortune, his failure. But the eye of wisdom reveals to us that the cause we seek lies in our own self. Thus self possession and self adjustment are essential to our well being. One who has control over his own self, who is serene in the midst of all dual conditions- heat and cold, pleasure and pain; noise and stillness, under all circumstances-will carry with him wherever he goes the constant realization of his supreme self.

       My hope and faith rest in men like you. Understand my words in their true spirit and apply yourselves to work in their light…….. I have given you advice enough; now put at least something in practice. Let the world see that your listening to me has been a success.