Sunday, September 5, 2010

Who is corrupt ...? Me or You (Part - I)

“Give me few men and women who are selfless and pure and I shall shake the foundation of the world.” This statement of Swami Vivekananda compels us to think that how scarce are the numbers of honest and selfless people.
Turning the pages of History we find that India has given the birth to saints, intellectuals, Philosophers who has sacrificed their lives for the sake of nation. Many remained bachelors only to give their complete attention in the growth of nation.
When India became free the total numbers of universities were around 20 and now today the count says that it’s more than 450.Enrollment in higher education rose from 1 lakhs to 2 crores. The number of highly educated people in India has increased tremendously.
All says that the corruption is inversely proportional to the growth of education and educated people.

Looking at the above figures, theoretically it indicates that the corruption would have decreased since independence. Let’s hold this thought for some moment and look what the figures says about the status of corruption in India.
  •  India was ranked at number one position in exporting corruption to other countries.
  •  In 2009, India is ranked 84th in the corruption Index. (From Transparency International survey).
  •  According to Corruption Perception Index 2009, India’s integrity score stands 3.4 on a scale of 0 to 10. (0 – perceived as highly corrupt and 10 – least corrupt)
If we compare the above 2 figures we find that with the growth of education in India the corruption has also increased. This means that education and educated people are not playing any proactive role to fight this menace. This is seen that that highly educated people are found connected in bigger scams and scandals.

There are so many things to talk on corruption but first let’s find out who is corrupt. Who is actually responsible for corruption….?

Everyone blames others. Mostly politicians, bureaucrats and government officials are blamed for the corruption in India.
In my opinion the country’s image is the reflection of the deeds of its own people. So I can say I and you make this country and hence either me or you are corrupt.
Let’s decide and make it clear now who is the culprit or corrupt….?

The mass opinion says that Politicians, Bureaucrats, Government employee and officials are corrupt and all those working in Private Firms like IT and BPO industries are very honest, hard working and sincere. (I really doubt whether these section of people are really honest or they do not have any chance to make their hand dirty.)
Now who are they whom we blame as corrupt…..?

When we were in school then in a class on an average we were 40 students.
Out of 40,
  1. 1 or 2 became IAS or IPS. Some 10-12 became government employees. 1-2 joined politics. 
  2. Majority (around 15 – 18) opted IT or other private firms after  Engineering or MBA.
  3. Remaining ones are in others like medicine, tourism, business etc.
So, in a way our friends who opted for the IAS, IPS, government jobs and politics are responsible for corruption in the eyes of those who are in the jobs mentioned in the points 2 and 3 above.

If I am working in a private firm and you are working for public firm or as government officials then I am not corrupt but you are corrupt. In a way all my friends opted for jobs in point 1 are corrupt and responsible for India’s corruption.

This is also heard that already the government system is so corrupt that the new persons joining the system become corrupt only. Though they enter with the enthusiasm to change the system but they themselves get changed after some time.
Let’s accept this logic that the existing system is already so corrupt that the new joiners are also lost in the darkness only. Again the question is who is corrupt then….?
As per the above logic the individuals present in the existing system or whoever is running the systems are corrupt. Do you want to know who are they…?

I know them very well and I am very sure that you also know them very well.

The individuals present in the existing system may be my father, grandfather, mother, elder brother/sister, Uncle or Aunt. If they are not mine then yours because in this country someone from outside is not coming to make our system corrupt. Rather the survey data shows that Indians are spreading this disease in other parts of the world.

So, the best and easiest way to combat corruption is to start from our own home. I will not agree that a wife is not aware if her husband is corrupt. I will not accept that a son/daughter is not aware that his father, grandfather, mother or elder brother is bringing the extra money in the home through corrupt practices.
Start the heated and revolutionary argument in home only.
If you find that any of your relative is
  • bringing the bribed money in home.
  • Using Public office for Private benefit, (Favoring Relatives or Personal Friends),
  • Stealing Government Property
  • Using his power or authority in his own way, Spending Office hours in the home.
Have courage to say boldly that you are deviated from your path whether the person standing in front of you is your father, or any of your elders. Fix the corruption and corrupt person then and there.
If you are corrupt then don’t counter with the argument that everyone is doing the same. What’s the harm if I am also doing…? I can also give the same excuse and then others will also follow. With this logic the future can be well imagined.
This should be decided with firmness that I should not follow any corrupt practices and at the same time I will not allow any of my relatives, at my level best, to follow the same.

In conclusion, a nation is build by its own people. The behavior and attitude of the people is directly related to the impression of the country. If we are peace loving then India will be known as a peace loving nation.
Hence it can be said that if India is known as corrupt nation then either me or my relatives are corrupt or you and your relatives are corrupt i.e. we are known as corrupt.

1 comment:

  1. This is the fact that corruption is in our base from top to bottom people try to find out the loop holes of the easiest way of corruption.
    As our parents are member of this corrupt society but they always teach their children about truth and to do always right things. Some of the children follow the path of truth even ofter entering in the real world whereas some children does not hold the path of truth after entering in the real world and thus enter in the world of corruption.

    If a person holds the path of truth then he will never achieve anything whatever he needs for his good life. Suppose after doing the basic education the person enters in the job. Then on the basis of his intelligence and truth he will never get any increment or promotion because there is corruption and the corrupt officials always need special attention from their junior subordinates and there are many more subordinates who move here and there around their boss to achieve the higher position and as a result the person who is right, intelligent and a truth follower is ignored and thus he will be frustrated from his life.

    When the person holds the path of truth and after entering in the real world he accepts the reality of this society and joins the hand of corruption and become a part of this corrupt society. This person gets everything in his life but he is called corrupt.

    To remove corruption from society first we have to clean ourselves then our family , relatives and friends. It is not a easy task but it is not difficult too.

    So all in all we all are corrupt we do not have the right to blame anybody we can only try to keep ourself clean and society will be automatically cleaned up and corruptionless. The only thing is required is the work should be done with honesty and a bit of quality of patience to get good life.
